Dear Colleague
Thank you for your interest in The Leaders’ Report – the WPP Government & Public Sector Practice’s biennial global research programme looking at government communication.
The fourth edition of The Leaders’ Report, subtitled The Evolving Future of Government Communication, is published on 21st March 2023. You can use as you wish with existing and potential clients. It highlights a range of challenges for governments that WPP agencies can help them address.
Executive Summary – English French German Spanish
Additional materials:
Please contact your nearest hub leader if you would like to use the client-focused PowerPoint presentation, or if would like some support using The Leaders’ Report in your market. Alternatively, you can email us at [email protected].
Philippa Clayre, Executive Director, UK
[email protected]
Sean Larkins, Global Director of Capability
[email protected]
Brussels/ EU
Laure van Hauwaert, Executive Director, EU Institutions
[email protected]
Michael Harris, Executive Director, AUNZ
[email protected]
Mark Pender, Executive Director, North America
[email protected]
The WPP Government & Public Sector Practice team
[email protected]